I encourage you to comment as you read about this factor. - Paul
About this factor
How to assess:Does senior leadership walk the walk when it comes to GIS. They recognize the importance of spatial data to their operation and to the bottom line and rely on the data to make critical decisions. More importantly, they have given a directive to their departments to use GIS as the single source of the truth for spatial and business integrated data. GIS refers not to a department but to self serve enterprise data & platforms. Low maturity:
High maturity:
Difficulty (how likely will you move the needle on this factor):
The "Senior management learning" and "Strategic use of GIS by senior management" factors are good indicators of your executives' level of #gettingitness AND buy-in. If they're learning and using GIS as their location & business intelligence tool, then they are more likely to understand the importance of the underlying data as a critical corporate asset and mandate it's care. This will and commitment will help drive their support for GIS as the organization's authoritative source of spatial data.
Increasing the score of factor 1.2 is very difficult and requires maturity across a large number of factors across the model (more on this in another post related to initiative design). 1.2 reflects how well your senior leadership comprehend the subject matter beyond maps and align their operations and transform their business with geospatial data & integrations. For this factor, you measure the alignment of leadership to data through their enforcement and directives that set GIS as a mission critical system of record. Factor 1.2 requires that you go beyond convincing the C-Level to declare "GIS data is important". They need to understand and believe this statement, repeat it, enforce it and have a genuine interest in the health of the corporation's data. When measuring this factor, measure only if the organization states that "GIS is authorative" consistently and effectively not if "the GIS data we have is of sufficient quality" or "our people and systems are of sufficient quality to maintain authoritative data". The model has dozens of factors geared specifically to measure maturity and capability in those areas. Impact (how significant is this factor from a holistic enterprise view ):
This factor has a significant impact on the success of the program. Without the top level mandating the importance of GIS data and stating regularly that GIS is authoritative and a critical component of business systems, then the rank and file will have no obligation to align their business to your efforts.
Strategy (Data Management Initiative)
More information about the Workforce Initiative coming in future blog postings.
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Resources to learn more & tune your mindset
Working on adding a few resources for you here. If you can recommend any, kindly drop them as a comment below.
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